Wednesday 5 May 2010

1 Down. 3 To Go

1 InTthe Bag

A great day! Pissed down with rain all night long. Still raining when we woke up. Set off to the start of the climb through country reminiscent of Wales (rain) transitioning into Scotland (rain). Couldn't reach the intended departure point due to muddy roads so we added 200 m vertical to the days climb.

Started slowly and in pain. But soon found a rythm and reached the summit of Guagua Pichincha (4,781 m) - the same altitude of Mont Blanc - at 13:45. A milestone was achieved today by Martin who exceeded his previous record of 4,421 m (Mt. Whitney). Although the weather was less than perfect, we had a great time.

Our Welcoming Committee

Got back to our hotel and had a surprising reception! Tomorrow, we set off for Illinizia Norte. We will be in a mountain hut for the next couple of days and may not be able to post blogs. Next volcano Illiniza Norte (5,126 m) on Friday all being well will be back on Saturday to let you know all the news.

Please! We need your help to grow this project! Good nurses don't come cheap (except to the patients and families they serve) so keep those contributions coming.
Simon and Martin

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