Saturday 8 May 2010

A Cold Night in the Mountain Hut

Thursday morning we spent a lot of time packing and repacking getting ready to leave the comforts of the Hacienda Rumiloma and depart for the mountains. Our guide, Ossie, drove us through Quito and south to the base of Illaniza. There we were met by horses (not for us but for the baggage).

Bags ready to go

Three hours hike up the hill to the mountain hut which was pretty sparse with no heating and very damp. Good supper with Ossie checking us to see we ate enough (otherwise we would have to stay another night in the hut to acclimatize - no thanks). Not much to do so a long night of not sleeping well from 8.00 in the evening.

A quick glimpse of the mountain for the morning from the hut

More tomorrow
Simon and  Martin.
Please keep giving to Marie Curie:

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