Wednesday 12 May 2010

Cotopaxi - 1st Chapter

Leaving the hacienda behind, we drove to the north gate of Cotopaxi National Park enroute to the base of the mountain.
North Gate with Cotopaxi shrouded in the clouds

The only horses allowed in the park are the herds of wild horses that reside there so it was up to us to porter our gear up the trail to the refuge hut.

Wild horses of Cotopaxi National Park

Climbed the 200 m vertical trail to the hut in high winds and rain. Got ourselves settled in the shelter and encountered our first unpleasant experience - somebody stole Ossie's iPod and Martin's crampons. Ossie ran back down trail to parking lot in attempt to catch the thief to no avail. Luckily, the hut manager had a spare pair of crampons for Martin so we were still on for tonight's climb. Whilst Ossie prepared dinner, saw these Andean Wolves outside the hut.

Andean Wolves

It is off to bed for a few hours sleep and then up at midnight for a 1:00 AM departure. The weather has turned rather ugly. High winds and freezing rain at the shelter. Never the less, we set off under headlamps and all our warmest clothing.

The wind was relentless and it wasn't long before we were coated in a fine layer of ice. Warmth wasn't an issue and we continued up the mountain. Reaching the glacier, we put on our crampons and roped together. Crossed a few cravasses and proceeded to climb. At an elevation of 5,265 m, Ossie said we should abandon our attempt. The weather was getting worse and visibility was very poor. We concurred and returned to the shelter to discuss our options.

Left the shelter under snowy skies and returned to the car. It was off to Hacienda San Augustine for drying out and regrouping.

We haven't quit so please don't quit on us! Your continued support of Marie Curie is greatly appreciated.

Simon and Martin

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