Friday 14 May 2010

Cotopaxi - Take 2

Left San Augustine on Wednesday morning to return to Cotopaxi. Weather much improved over that we had seen before. Picked up a 2nd guide, Joshua, to join us on our climb. Re-entered the national park, had a quick lunch at Tambopaxi lodge before driving to base of mountain. Hiking to refuge we were treated to a wonderful view of Cotopaxi.

For tomorrow - Cotopaxi seen from the path to the refuge

Dinner at 19:00. Bed at 20:00. Breakfast at 23:30. Set off under clear starey skies early Thursday morning at 00:30 for the summit. What a contrast to the conditions on our first attempt!

90 minutes later, we strapped on crampons at the base of the glacier. An hour later we encountered some massive ice walls just visible in the earliest light of day. Skirting the walls, we carefully picked our way up the mountainside. The route passed over some deep crevasses and past ice caves - a remarkable sight. We were nearing the summit as the sun rose giving us a fabulous view of Illaniza.

Illaniza viewed from (and beside the shadow of) Cotopaxi
Climbing that last 300 meters, we summited Cotopaxi at 07:00 on Thursday morning! We were treated to a wonderful view but stayed only briefly on its windswept summit for some photos.

At Last!!! Cotopaxi Summit

Cotopaxi Crater

Chimborazo across the clouds from Cotopaxi - Back for you later!

Then it was time to scurry down quickly as the snow was getting very wet and unpredictable. Here are some photos of what we encountered whilst climbing.

Much deserved rest after summit

Crags, Clouds and Crevasses

An Amazing Ice Wall

Reaching the refuge at 11:00, we gathered our gear and returned to Hacienda Rumiloma to rest our weary bodies. Whilst we are a bit saddened to have to leave Chimborazo for another day, we have thoroughly enjoyed our time in Ecuador. 3 1/2 Volcanoes will have to suffice for this expedition.

We would like to thank all of the people in Ecuador who have helped us at every stage of the journey (but not the guy who stole Martins crampons!). In particular we would like to thank our guides Ossie and Joshua who made it possible for us oldies to climb and have a great deal of fun! Also our thanks to Amber and the team at Ruminola who do so much to help all the people of Ecuador as well their guests.

Ossie and Josh

To all of you following our little expedition and helping us in our fundraising for Marie Curie Cancer Care, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts! To those who have yet to join us in this wonderful cause, we ask that you give it consideration.

One thing we learned on this trip was how very much one needs a good guide on a difficult journey. Martin had originally proposed a theme of "Pay Up or Die Alone" which we both decided was a tad too direct and macabre. Hence "4 Volcanoes - 5 Nurses." Wishing all of you long life, good health and, when you reach the end of your journey, the support of a wonderful Marie Curie "guide" in the comfort of your own bed.

Cheers and keep giving!

Simon and Martin

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